Tag Archive | Liebster

Liebster Award

In German means “beloved” or “dearest”, I’ve just been nominated therefore for a Beloved Award! Sounds lovely 🙂

Nominees are required to state eleven facts about themselves, answer the questions provided below, nominate up to eleven people and provide them with eleven questions to answer.

So here goes…

First, starting off with eleven random facts about me:

1. The date of birth on my passport is wrong!
2. I have two sisters and one brother (who passed away 20 years this December)
3. I have been sewing for as long as I’ve been able to reach the treadle foot on Mum’s machine
4. Love reading
5. Wanted to be a graphic designer when I left school but slacked off too much in year 12
6. Have a cat named Zorro
7. Was an Aunty at the ripe old age of 13
8. Didn’t get my drivers licence until I was 30
9. Would love to travel around the UK, Germany and Poland looking for the places my ancesters came from
10. Still have one of my nappy pins from when I was a baby
11. Spent the compensation money from a car accident on retraining myself as a Travel Agent and now can’t find work :/

Questions: [I’m also passing these along to the nominees stated below]

What are your top three favorite books? Wuthering Heights, Tess of the d’Urbervilles and anything by Phillipa Gregory
If you could live in any other era, when would you choose? Edwardian….love the fashion and women were just starting to have a voice
What is your favorite Disney film? Snow White, although the Queen terrified me as a child!
Do you prefer sweet things, or savory? both
What fictional character do you feel that you relate most with? Bridget Jones
Who would you say has been the most influential or inspirational person in your life so far? My grade 6 -7 teacher Mrs Schubert
What is the one thing that you like most about yourself? My laugh
If your life was being made into a film, who would you choose to play yourself? Meg Ryan
And what three songs would you include in the soundtrack? These Days – Powderfinger, Acrobat – U2, Bittersweet Symphony – The Verve
What are your thoughts on life after death? Still not sure on that one
If you were a superhero, what would your power be? Travel back in time and talk to some of my ancestors about everything!

I nominate the following bloggers:


